자동변속기 솔레노이드 밸브의 응답성 개선 방안에 관한 연구
Recently, Transmission of vehicle is a growing tendency to be equipped with an automatic transmission consistently for the driver’s convenience and comfort. It is well known that the factors – clutch size, friction coefficient of clutch, gear ratio step and clutch apply pressure characteristics – exert influence on the quality improvement of automatic transmission. Improvement of solenoid valve oil pressure characteristic for the clutch actuating hydraulic control system considered in this study. An automatic transmission solenoid valve is divided VFS (Variable Force Solenoid) valves and On-Off solenoid valves. In detail, the VFS valves considered in the study. The VFS valve is divided operating parts and pressure control parts. The oil pressure characteristics are depends on shape and location of the spool. Therefore, the study is proved improvement of hydraulic characteristics through the method by oil pressure test and simulation.