California 220,000-volt–1100-mile–1,500,000-kw. transmission bus
This paper summarizes the power resources of California and the probable loads to be supplied within the next six or seven years. For the purpose of economically distributing the necessary power and supplying the load, a long high voltage transmission line is proposed. As this line would interconnect a number of different companies, it assumes the nature of a bus bar. The authors show how the proposed line may link with some of the lines now in service and enumerate the advantages of such interconnection. A comparison is made between the 240-mile Big Creek line now operating at 150,000 volts, 50 cycles, and the operation of this line at 220,000 volts, 60 cycles. Operating data on the Big Creek line are shown to indicate the character of the construction necessary for California conditions. Conclusions are drawn as to the particular features to be observed for successful operation of 220,000-kv. lines.