Live Fallas: A Future Internet smart city APP for large-scale events

Smart cities are becoming more and more popular primarily due to increasing TIC innovations and administrative efforts from city councils to better connect citizens through stateof- the-art technology. Currently a smart city is no longer focused just on offering administrative services, but on providing useful and pervasive information to citizens and serving as basic data source for local companies to create value added services. Live Fallas combines Future Internet enablers developed for Smart City platforms in the framework of FIContent2 project to provide a mobile application aimed at a large scale event, such as the Fallas Festival. Open data fusion, real time social network analysis and context-aware recommendation are the most relevant functionalities offered to users. Real time hot spots based on geolocated social network activity in the city of Valencia can be easily calculated. The experiment was held during March 2015 with more than 8000 downloads in the Google and Apple's marketplaces.