New lower bounds for certain classes of bin packing algorithms

On-line algorithms have been extensively studied for the one-dimensional bin packing problem. In this paper we investigate two classes of the one- dimensional bin packing algorithms, and we give lower bounds for their asymptotic worst-case behaviour. For on-line algorithms so far the best lower bound was given by van Vliet in 1992 [13]. He proved that there is no on-line bin packing algorithm with better asymptotic performance ratio than 1.54014.... In this paper we give an improvement on this bound to 248/161 = 1.54037... and we investigate the parametric case as well. For those lists where the elements are preprocessed according to their sizes in decreasing order Csirik et al. [1] proved that no on-line algorithm can have an asymptotic performance ratio smaller than 8/7. We improve this result to 54/47.