The craft of editing : a guide for managers, scientists, and engineers

1 Editing: Where Do You Begin?.- Knowing Your Goals.- Knowing Your Constraints.- 2 When the Pencils Are Blue.- Editing for Content.- Editing for Style.- Editing for Form.- 3 When the Rules Are Gray.- Gray with Respect to Time.- Gray with Respect to Position.- Gray with Respect to Person.- 4 Common Types of Edits.- Writing a Review.- Performing a Copyedit on Paper.- Performing a Copyedit Online.- Proofreading.- 5 Reducing the Friction of Editing.- Agreeing upon the Constraints.- Recognizing Your Own Idiosyncrasies.- Keeping the Writing on Schedule.- Providing Spoken and Written Feedback.- 6 Editing: The Big Picture.- At What Writing Stages Should Editing Occur?.- Who Shall Edit First and Who Shall Edit Last?.- What Role Should Each Editor Play?.- Appendix One Hundred Problems of Style.- Glossary of Editing Terms.- References.