Learner-Formulated Questions in Technology-Supported Learning Applications

In this paper we look at learner-formulated questions in technology-supported learning applications. Traditionally, technology-supported learning applications request input from the learner. The learner’s response is used to assess the knowledge of the learner, to define a navigation path through the material or to construct a learner model. With our work we want to add another form of interaction between learner and system, where the learner can pose questions to the system in similar fashion as to a human tutor. The paper discusses ways of dealing with these learner-formulated questions, question formats and existing approaches. It then introduces our approach for learner-formulated questions which is based on the Flexible Structured Coding Language, FSCL. We present two specific approaches, the syntax-based and the semantic-based approach. After a discussion of these approaches we conclude the paper with an outline of future work.