Dual-chemiresistor GC detector employing monolayer-protected metal nanocluster interfaces.

The synthesis and testing of two gold-thiolate monolayer-protected (nano)clusters as interfacial layers on a dual-chemiresistor vapor sensor array are described. Responses (changes in dc resistance) to each of 11 organic solvent vapors are rapid, reversible, and linear with concentration at low vapor concentrations, becoming sublinear at higher concentrations. Limits of detection (LODs) range from 0.1 to 24 parts per million and vary inversely with solvent vapor pressure. When configured as a GC detector and used to analyze 0.5-L preconcentrated samples of the 11-vapor mixture, the array provides LODs of < or = 700 parts per trillion for most vapors, comparing favorably with those from an integrated array of polymer-coated surface acoustic wave sensors configured and tested similarly. This first report on the use of such an array as a GC detector shows that the combination of response patterns and GC retention times improves capabilities for vapor recognition compared to the sensor array alone or to single-detector GC systems. Spray-coated nanocluster thin films can be deposited reproducibly and exhibit response stability in air that ranges from fair to excellent for up to several months. Scaling the active device area down by a factor of 16 has no significant effect on sensitivity. Implications of these results for portable vapor sensing systems are discussed.