Study of Interruptible Load Utility Model for Building Users

Effective utilization of interruptible load in buildings can not only improve the flexibility of power grid and enhance the reliability of power grid, but also alleviate the imbalance between supply and demand. According to interruptible load contract, building users can benefit from participating in dispatching. However, it deviates from the original load profile, and user comfort will also be affected. Therefore, in order to utilize interruptible load flexibility of buildings, a utility model including benefits and comfort is proposed in this paper, wherein the calculation of benefits considers users' psychological activities through prospect theory. On this basis, the optimal model of interruptible load of building users with the goal of maximum utility is established. Finally, by an example of a real commercial building, the validity of the proposed model is verified. Meanwhile, the results show that the utility model can effectively evaluate the load characteristics of buildings and guide them to participate in the optimal dispatch of power grid demand response.