A lumped transport parameter approach in predicting B10 RO permeator performance

Abstract Seawater desalination using the method of reverse osmosis (RO) has developed into a commercially viable alternative in the production of potable water. However, it is still desirable to derive a simple and fairly accurate simulation model of the RO process for the purpose of large-scale plant design and cost optimization. In this regard the model should not involve complicated and extensive numerical procedure in order to minimize cost of computation. We introduce in this paper a simple model of the RO process based on a lumped transport parameter approach for the hollow-fibre permeator. The basic membrane transport model used is the solution-diffusion model. The analytical equations derived in this study can be used to predict product flux and product concentration for single-stage or multi-stage plant configurations. Cost considerations can also be incorporated for optimization studies. The accuracy of the RO model was tested against results obtained from experiments using salt (NaCl) solutions on a commercial B10 permeator manufactured by DuPont. The range of operating conditions studied were typical of seawater desalination processes using reverse osmosis.