Seedling Growth and Water Uptake by Tilia americana at Several Root Temperatures

1. Basswood (Tilia americana L.) seedlings were grown in nutrient solution culture without artificial aeration at root temperatures ranging from 10⚬ to 28⚬ C. 2. A highly significant limitation in growth, as measured by dry weight, stem length, leaf area, and leaf number, was shown at the lower root temperatures. 3. Total water uptake measured at three root temperatures was significantly limited at the lower root temperatures. No statistically significant difference was shown for water uptake per unit leaf area in relation to temperature. 4. Uptake of both potassium and phosphorus was greatest per unit plant dry weight at the lowest of three root temperatures. 5. Maximum soil temperatures from basswood habitats over its range were equal to, or somewhat greater than, the midpoint of the range of temperatures used in the present studies.