Modeling Ontology of Folksonomy with Latent Semantics of Tags

Modeling ontology of folksonomy provides a way of learning light weight ontology’s which is a hot topic investigated recently. Previous approaches for modeling ontology of folksonomy either ignores semantics (synonymy, hyponymy or polysemy) or do not simultaneously consider relationships between actors (users), concepts (tags) and instances(resources) or are based on the idea that title words are responsible for generating tags for resources. Latent semantics and user-tag dependencies instead of user-word dependencies however are extremely important. In this paper we address these problems by introducing a latent topic layer into the traditional tripartite Actor-Concept-Instance graph. We thus propose an Actor-Concept-Instance-Topic (ACIT) approach to model ontology from folksonomy in a unified way by directly using tags and users of resources. We illustrate on Bibsonomy dataset that our proposed approach ACIT outperforms title words based approaches Tag-Topic (TT) and (User-Word-Topic) UWT for modeling the ontology of folksonomy.

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