관내마찰저항 시험장치를 활용한 콘크리트의 관내 유동 및 마찰저항 특성의 평가에 관한 연구

The establishment of the technology for evaluating friction resistance and pipe pressure and the relation of the fluid characteristics and pumpability of concrete is essential for the evaluation of concrete pumping performance for high speed construction of super-tall building. So, this study focuses on quantitative evaluation of concrete fluid characteristics and surface friction resistance under the change of concrete mix proportion and pumping condition. For this, we developed temporary horizontal pumping evaluation system to measure pipe pressure and surface friction characteristics. And, relations between concrete mix proportion and pressure characteristics was investigated by experiment. As the result of the experiment, high regression between the surface friction and pressure gradient was confirmed. And, It means that it is able to evaluate the friction resistance between concrete and pipe by means of the pumping system that includes frictional resistance testing pipe.