Structural biology of viruses

Roger M. Burnett and Wah Chiu: Introduction. 1: Sherwood Casjens: Principles of Virion Structure, Function and Assembly. 2: Timothy S. Baker and John E. Johnson: Principles of Virus Structure Determination. 3: Judith M. White, et al.: Attachment and Entry of Influenza Virus Into Host Cells: Pivotal Roles of the Hernagglutin. 4: Michael G. Rossman, et al.: Rhinovirus Attachment and Cell Entry. 5: Thomas J. Smith and Anne G. Mosser: Antibody Mediated Neutralization of Picornaviruses. 6: Marie Chow, Ravi Basavappa and James M. Hogle: The Role of Conformational Transitions in Poliovirus Pathogenesis. 7: Robert L. Garcea and Robert C. Liddington: Structural Biology of Polyomaviruses. 8: Roger M. Burnett: The Structure of Adenovirus. 9: B.V.V. Prasad and Mary K. Estes: Molecular Basis of Rotavirus Replication: Structure-Function Correlations. 10: John E. Johnson and Roland R. Rueckert: Packaging and Release of the Viral Genome. 11: Johnathan King and Wah Chiu: The Procapsid to Capsid Transition in Double-Stranded DNA Bacteriophages. 12: Alasdair C. Steven and Patricia G. Spear: Herpesvirus Capsid Assembly and Envelopment. 13: Lee Makowski and Marjorie Russel: Structure and Assembly of Filamentous Bacteriophages. 14: Robert Weldon, Jr. and Eric Hunter: Molecular Requirements for Retrovirus Assembly. 15: Gillian M. Air and Ming Luo: Structure-Guided Therapeutic Strategies: General Overview. 16: Guy D. Diana, Mark A. McKinlay and Adi Treasurywala: The Use of Structural Information in the Design of Picornavirus Capsid Binding Agents. 17: C. Nicholas Hodge, et al.: Rational Design of HIV Protease Inhibitors