On shunting inhibition

The interaction between excitation and inhibition is analyzed for nerve cylinders when reversal potentials for synaptic action are included. Both impulsive and sustained conductance changes are employed to model synaptic action.Exact results, in terms of Green's functions are obtained for the solutions of the cable equation with reversal potentials when there are impulsive conductance changes. The amplification factor for an inhibitory input due to a prior excitatory input is found exactly. In the case of an infinite cylinder, the dependence of this factor on the spatial separation of the excitatory and inhibitory synapses is one plus a Gaussian density function. Similar results aply when excitation follows inhibition. There is shunting inhibition even for impulsive conductance changes in the cable, but it is very different from that for sustained conductance changes. The interaction of excitation and inhibition is also studied in the full cable equation with reversal potentials and sustained conductance changes. An exact result is obtained for the potential in response to simultaneous excitation and inhibition at the same space point in an infinite cable. The effects of timing and spatial separation of inputs is analyzed in a finite nerve cylinder by numerically integrating the cable equation by the Crank-Nicolson method. Shunting inhibition is found to be most effective, for the chosen parameter values, when inhibition quickly foolows excitation. The EPSP amplitude at the soma is found to be roughly proportional to the distance from the soma to the site of inhibition when the excitation is at the center of the nerve cylinder.