AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue Version β − 1 - Release Note (Rev.1) -

The AKARI/IRC Point Source Catalogue Version β-1 provides positions and fluxes of 877,091 sources (851,189 sources in 9µm band and 195,893 sources in 18µm band) in the Mid-Infrared wavelengths. This document describes the outline of the data processing and calibration, and basic performance of the released catalogue. As the current version is the first preliminary version, the users of the catalogue are requested to read this document carefully before critical discussions with the data. IMPORTANT: Sources in this release must be referred to in the literatures as AKARIIRC-b1 J0123456+776543, where b1 indicates the release version. Any questions and comments are appreciated via ISAS Helpdesk iris help@ir.isas.jaxa.jp.