Sigma hulls for Gaussian belief space planning for imprecise articulated robots amid obstacles

In many home and service applications, an emerging class of articulated robots such as the Raven and Baxter trade off precision in actuation and sensing to reduce costs and to reduce the potential for injury to humans in their workspaces. For planning and control of such robots, planning in belief ssigma hullpace, i.e., modeling such problems as POMDPs, has shown great promise but existing belief space planning methods have primarily been applied to cases where robots can be approximated as points or spheres. In this paper, we extend the belief space framework to treat articulated robots where the linkage can be decomposed into convex components. To allow planning and collision avoidance in Gaussian belief spaces, we introduce the concept of sigma hulls: convex hulls of robot links transformed according to the sigma standard deviation boundary points generated by the Unscented Kalman filter (UKF). We characterize the signed distances between sigma hulls and obstacles in the workspace to formulate efficient collision avoidance constraints compatible with the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GKJ) and Expanding Polytope Algorithms (EPA) within an optimization-based planning framework. We report results in simulation for planning motions for a 4-DOF planar robot and a 7-DOF articulated robot with imprecise actuation and inaccurate sensors. These experiments suggest that the sigma hull framework can significantly reduce the probability of collision and is computationally efficient enough to permit iterative re-planning for model predictive control.

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