The Red Rose of Nissan
• THE NEW Nissan factory in Sunderland was opened on 11 September 1986 with a great fanfare of publicity : television advertisements, documentaries, newspaper supplements, news coverage of the formal opening by the prime minister . The theme of all this publicity was that the Nissan plant opened a new age. Here is a factory where managers and workers alike wear white coats and share the same canteen, where managers and workers alike are young (average age in the late twenties), a company where there have never been strikes, where trade unions are not 142 forbidden but are redundant because workers enjoy good conditions and identify with the aims of the company . The factory of the new age, of the new technology, of the new consensus . Light years away from the militancy of the car workers in the seventies . Light years away too from the macho manCOMMENTARY
[1] A. Sayer. New developments in manufacturing: the just-in-time system , 1986 .
[2] B. Jessop,et al. Technological Change, Rationalisation and Industrial Relations , 1986 .
[3] D. Marsden,et al. The Car Industry: Labour Relations and Industrial Adjustment , 1986 .
[4] Philip Bassett,et al. Strike Free: New Industrial Relations in Britain , 1986 .