Notes and comments

The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association took place at the University of Montreal, June 6-8, 1956. The meeting, which was well attended, emphasized the bilingual character of the Association i its papers and discussions. Progessor Guy Fr•gault of the Department of History at the University of Montreal planned the programme and was in charge of local arrangements. A high point of the business ession was the presentation of an honourary life membership in the Association to Mr. Norman Fee, recently retired as Assistant Dominion Archivist, who served for twenty-one years as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association. The presentation was made by Dr. G. F. G. Stanley, President of the Association for 1955-6, who presided over the meetings. The first general session, held on the afternoon of June 6, was devoted to Canadian historiography. Papers were given by Boris Celovsky, W. Menzies Whitelaw, and Bernard Weftbrenner. In the evening the Association was privileged to hear an address by the venerable Canon Lionel Groulx, dean of French-Canadian historians, entitled "Fils de grand homme." There were two papers at the session in the morning of June 7: "Histoire de l'Europe et histoire du Canada" by Claude Galarneau of Laval University, and "Was George III Really the 'Patriot King'?" by George Buxton of the University of Ottawa. During the afternoon the Association heard papers on the early history of Montreal by two prominent local historians: Mgr Olivier Maurault, who spoke on "Saint-Sulpice et Montreal," and Professor J. I. Cooper of McGill University who discussed "The Social Structure of Montreal in the 1850's." The presidential ddresses were delivered in the evening of June 7 at a largely attended meeting held jointly with the Canadian Political Science Association. The topic of Professor Stanley's address was "Act or Pact? Another Look at Confederation," while J. Douglas Gibson, President of the Canadian Political Science Association, discussed "The Changing Influence of the United States on the Canadian Economy." The morning of June 8 was given over to two papers, "Sir Iohn Harvey's Conflict with Chief Justice j. G. H. Bourne" by Father Malcolm MacDonell of St. Francis Xavier University, and "La Notion d'ind•pendance dans l'histoire du Canada" by Professor Maurice S•guin of the University of Montreal. In the afternoon Dr. Eugene Forsey presided over a lively panel discussion on the subject of Canadianism. The participants in the symposium were Professor Hilda R. Nearby, Professor R. A. Preston, and Professor Guy Fr•gault, who presented a paper originally prepared by Professor Michel Brunet of the University of Montreal. The annual business ession of the Association took place on the evening of June 8. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President: D. G. Creighton, Toronto; Vice-President: W. Kaye Lamb, Ottawa; English Language Secretary: D. M. L. Farr, Ottawa; French Language Secretary: A. Roy, Quebec; Treasurer: W. G. Ormsby, Ottawa; Editor-in-Chief of the Annual Report of the Association: John S. Moir, Ottawa; Associate Editors: L. Lamontagne, Kingston, and Rev. A. Pouliot, Quebec; new members of