Automating the identification of structural model parameters

System identification methods are analytical techniques for resolving the correct model form and parametric values. However, for system identification to become a practical tool for engineering analysis, the estimation techniques/codes must communicate with finite element software packages, without intensive analyst intervention and supervision. This paper presents a technique used to integrate commercial software packages for finite element modeling (MSC/NASTRAN), mathematical programming techniques (ADS), and general linear system analysis (PRO-MATLAB). The parameter estimation techniques and the software for controlling the overall system were programmed in PRO-MATLAB. Two examples of application of this software are presented. The examples consist of a truss structure in which the model form is well defined and an electronics package whose model form is ill-defined since it is difficult to model with finite elements. A comparison of the resulting updated models with the experimental data showed significant improvement. 19 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs.