철강산업 용융로의 대기오염물질 배출계수 산정 연구

The purpose of this study is 10 estimate of emission factors of the air pollutants for the melting furnaces for the iron and steel industry. The result of this study is able to obtain the emission factor of particulate matters (PM), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides for melting furnace. The emission factors of each pollutants were as follows: - the emission factor varied between 6.13E-03 ~ 6.12E-01kg/ton for PM - 1.59E-01 ~ 2.45E+00kg/ton for S0₂ - 6.82E-02 ~ 6.88E-01kg/ton for NOx, respectively. Analysis of the differences in the emission factors of ours and U.S. EPA's yielded the following results for the Wilcoxon method: p>0.05. The statistical analysis showed no differences in the our emission factors and U.S. EPA's