쓰기 과제에 대한 협력적 글쓰기 활동의 효과성 연구: 보고하기와 비평하기 장르를 중심으로
This study aims to analyze the process of how Chinese students practice collaborative writing and to figure out whether collaborative writing is useful to Korean language learners for academic purposes. In total, 15 Chinese students of Korean language for academic purposes participated in the research and they were divided into Groups A and B, respectively. Five participants of Group A were individually assigned with writing tasks while ten participants of Group B conducted collaborative writing tasks in pairs. Groups A and B conducted both tasks of a data commentary and an argumentative essay. The result was that fluency and complexity were not significantly different between Groups A and B. However, accuracy was higher in Group B. Accordingly, for students of Korean language in an advanced level, collaborative writing activities did not result in longer texts or more complex linguistic practices but led to more accurate texts. Whether this accuracy will strengthen grammatical knowledge of language students in an advanced level in the long-term is unknown, so follow-up studies are needed.