Security andNetworkPerformance Evaluation ofKK'Cryptographic Technique inMobile AdhocNetworks
Inthispaper,we analyze theperformance,iswithout fixed boundaries. Asaresult, theboundary that security andattack aspects ofcryptographic techniquesseparates theinside network fromtheoutside worldbecomes andalsoinvestigate theperformance-security tradeoff for blurred. A malicious attacker canreadily becomearouter and mobileadhocnetworks. We propose KK' cryptographic disrupt network operations byintentionally disobeying the technique andanalyze thedominantissues ofsecurity,protocol specifications (11).Mainly, thedifficulties of attack andvarious information theorycharacteristics of dealing withsecurity issues inanadhocnetwork comefrom cipher textsforDES,Substitution andproposed KK' thekeymanagement andtrust relationship management. cryptographic technique. Itisfoundthatthesecurity and Thesecharacteristics place anewdemandonsecure adhoc information theorycharacteristics of proposedKK' networks. Cryptographic andDES algorithms ismuchbetter then Insuchnetworks severevulnerabilities come fromthe substitution algorithm. Theperformance packetdeliverypoorphysical security ofthemobile nodes, forexample, theft fraction forKK' andsubstitution algorithms ismuch ofnodes, whichcan becompromised or tampered (3). better thanDES algorithm. The end-to-end delayfor Furthermore, duetolimited battery power, amobile nodeis normalAODV protocol isveryless, forsubstitution and limited bythecomputational power, which meansifasecurity KK'algorithms itismoderate andforDESalgorithm itis mechanism causesmuchcomputation we cannot useit.The quite high. Thesecurity aspect forKK'algorithm isalmost f o i f flowofinformation froma sourcetoadestination could be equal toDESandnetwork performance isalmost equalto attacked. Thefollowing categories point outthegeneric types substitution algorithm. Finally, we benchmarkproposedofattack behaviors andthesecurity targets fromanangle by KK' cryptographic algorithms insearchforthebetter looking atthetransmitted information areInterception, cryptographic algorithm forsecurity inMANET. Fabrication, Modification andInterruption. Computer network andinformation security hasthree aspects: security attacks, Keywords~ ~ -'takAayi, rporpy K security goals, andsecurity mechanisms. Theobjective ofthe Cryptography, Performance Evaluation, MobileAdhoc seuiygas'n euiymcaim.Teojcieo h security service istoachieve confidentiality, authentication,