The concept and statistical method of drought resistance index in crops
There is evindence showing that stress susceptibility index(SSI)(1一Yd/Yp)/(1—(?)d/(?)p)used as a measure of drought resistance of crop on the field is an altered form of droughtresistance coefficient(DRC)(Yd/Yp).The correlative coefficient SSI and DRC is r=-1.Therefore,the SSI doesn’t improve the defect of the DRC.After two years experiments per-formed by using thirty winter wheat varieties as trial materials,the concept of drought resistanceindex in crops was put forward.Its expressing equation is:the yield in drylan×drought resis-tance coefficient/average yield in dryland.It makes the drought resistance coefficient(physicalindex)correlate well with the yield in dryland(agronomy index)and is suitable for breeder.