Fundamental parameters and abundance analysis of the components in the SB2 system HD 60803

We performed a detailed spectroscopic study of the SB2 system HD 60803 based on high-resolution spectra obtained with the different spectrographs. The analysis was done with two independent methods: a) the direct modelling of the observed binary spectrum by a sum of synthetic spectra varying a set of free parameters and minimizing a difference between the observed and theoretical spectra; b) spectrum disentangling and an independent modelling of the individual components. Being applied to binary spectra from different spectrographs both methods converge to a consistent solution for the fundamental parameters of the HD 60803 components: )eff=6 055±70 K, log 6=4.08±0.12, bt=1.45±0.18 km s−1, [M/H]=0.03±0.06 (primary), and )eff=6 069±70 K, log 6=4.14±0.09, bt=1.48±0.18 km s−1, [M/H]=0.03±0.06 (secondary). Differential abundance analysis of the components did not reveal any significant difference in their chemical composition. Besides Li both components have solar atmospheric abundances. Li abundance exceeds the solar one by ∼2 dex, but it agrees with Li abundance in main-sequence late F-stars. Relative-to-solar abundances in both components slightly correlate with the condensation temperature the same way as was found in the solar analogs with/without detected giant planets. The estimated age of the system is 5.5±0.5 Gyr.