Violência psicológica: um fator de risco e de desumanização ao trabalho da enfermagem - doi: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v11i2.11951

It is a descriptive research, which aimed to identify the conceptions of a nursing team of a Basic Health Unit on the psychological violence experienced at work and present its characteristics. This unit is located in a municipality of Rio Grande do Sul. Data was collected from 14 workers from the nursing team using a questionnaire which was analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Ethical aspects guided by the resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council (BR) were respected. Psychological violence was experienced by all respondents at some point in his career, especially coming from users of the health system. The development of measures to make work healthier and safer, and improve problem solving and user accessibility to services may be strategies for disease prevention and health promotion for workers of the nursing team.