KARDIONET: Telecardiology Based on GRID Technology

The telecardiological system Kardionet is being developed to support interventional cardiology. The main aim of the system is to collect specific and systemized patient data from the distant medical centers and to organize it in the best possible way to diagnose quickly and choose the medical treatment. It is the distributed GRID type system operating in shortest achievable time. Computational GRID solutions together with distributed archive data GRID support creation, implementation and operations of software using considerable computational power. Kardionet system devoted to cardiology purposes includes specially developed data bases for the multimodal data and metadata, including information on a patient and his/her medical examination results. As Kardionet uses modern technology and methods we expect it could have a considerable impact on telemedicine development in Poland. The presented telecardiological system can provide a number of important gains for the national health care system if it is implemented nationwide.