A Guidance Process for the Selection of Business Process Modelling Techniques for the Revised Business Process Reengineering

Business Process Reengineering is a reverse design process that allows for radical improvement in quality, service, cycle times, productivity and cost for a specific market or customer of a company. To support BPR project in the company, several methodologies are emerging, each of them focused on the analysis of the company’ Business Processes. These BPR methodologies, share one common task: modelling existing and new company’ business processes. To fulfill this task, business process modeling techniques are used. But with the large number of business process modeling techniques, deciding which modeling technique to use for a specific task is often difficult and ambiguous. To increase BPR projects success rate, this paper presents a framework for classifying business process modeling techniques. The framework is composed of a three dimensional model for classifying business process modeling techniques, and a Map meta-model of the process supporting this framework.

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