Histological Observations on the Barbels of a Bagrid Catfish, Rita rita (H AM .)

Barbels, popularly designated as feelers, are accessory feeding and sensory struc tures in many fishes of fresh-water and marine habitat. The histological aspect of the barbels has received the attention of MENG (1924), BAECKER (1926), SATO (1937a, b, 1959), DUCROS (1954), RAFFIN-PEYLOZ (1955), SATO and KAPOOR (1957), NAGAR and MATHUR (1958), SRIVASTAVA and SINHA (1961) and RAJBANSHI (1966). This paper communicates our detailed observations on the histology of the barbels of a fresh-water carnivorous fish, Rita rita (Ham.) [Order•\Cypriniformes; Suborder•\ Siluroidei; Family-Bagridae]. This will largely supplement to a brief, almost negli gible, description reported along with cutaneous sense organs by BHATTI (1952). Specimens were collected from Burhi Gandak, a tributary of river Ganges, at Muzaffarpur, Bihar, and were fixed in Bouin's solution and 10% formalin. Paraffin imbedded tissues were sectioned at 6-8 Act and were stained with Delafield's haematoxylin and eosin, and with Mallory's triple stain.