Design and fabrication of microfluidic transistor on silicon substrate

The fabrication and characterization of static microfluidic transistors on <100> p-silicon is demonstrated. A three photo mask level fabrication process, allows the construction of the microfluidic transistor with multiple channel widths which are 50μm, 100μm and 500μm. The basic device consists of two reservoirs connected via a channel which forms the basic fluidic circuit. Two doped regions will then be placed along the channel allowing the electrons to flow, comprising the electrical circuit. The results show that the fabrication technique used to build microfluidic transistors is relatively inexpensive and very much similar to present-day manufacturing technology that produces channel width ranging from 55 μm to 485 μm with depth ranging from 4.9 μm to 6.3 μm. Further work is carried out on the miniaturization of the micro-channel and the electrical characterization of the complete system.