Conceptual design of an in-vessel core catcher

An enhanced in-vessel core catcher is being designed and evaluated as part of a joint United States (US)–Korean International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (INERI) investigating methods to insure retention of materials that may relocate to the lower head of a reactor vessel under severe accident conditions in advanced reactors. This enhanced core catcher design consists of several interlocking sections that are machined to fit together when inserted into the lower head. Each section of the core catcher consists of two material layers with an option to add a third layer (if deemed necessary): a base material, which has the capability to support and contain the mass of core materials that may relocate during a severe accident; an insulator coating material on top of the base material, which resists interactions with high-temperature core materials; and an optional coating on the bottom side of the base material to prevent any potential oxidation of the base material during the lifetime of the reactor. This paper summarizes results from thermal, flow, and structural analyses as well as initial scoping materials interaction tests that were completed to support the conceptual design of the core catcher.