An interactive graphics program for manipulation and display of panel method geometry

Modern aerodynamic panel methods that handle large, complex geometries have made evident the need to interactively manipulate, modify, and view such configurations. With this purpose in mind, the GEOM program was developed. It is a menu driven, interactive program that uses the Tektronix PLOT 10 graphics software to display geometry configurations which are characterized by an abutting set of networks. These networks are composed of quadrilateral panels which are described by the coordinates of their corners. GEOM is divided into fourteen executive controlled functions. These functions are used to build configurations, scale and rotate networks, transpose networks defining M and N lines, graphically display selected networks, join and split networks, create wake networks, produce symmetric images of networks, repanel and rename networks, display configuration cross sections, and output network geometry in two formats. A data base management system is used to facilitate data transfers in this program. A sample session illustrating various capabilities of the code is included as a guide to program operation.