Three new species and a new genus of Farreidae (porifera: Hexactinellida: Hexactinosida)

Two new species of Farrea and a single new species of a closely related new genus, Asceptrulum, all members of the hexactinosan family Farreidae, are described from three widely distant locations. Farrea herdendorfi, new species, with a type series of eight specimens obtained from 2200 m off Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A., NW Atlantic Ocean, is distinguished by two anchorate clavule forms (umbellate and thimblate or thimble-shaped), both without spiral arrangement of claws. Farrea seiri, new species, represented by 3 fragments of a single specimen from 1450 m near the South East Indian Ridge, mid Indian Ocean, is characterized by only anchorate clavules of thimblate form, a moderate proportion of which have claws spiralled. Asceptrulum axialis, new genus, new species, is represented by several fragments from a single specimen collected from 2387 m on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northern Oregon, U.S.A., NE Pacific Ocean. It is distinguished by the combination of complete absence of sceptrules and a one-layered farreoid framework. The diagnosis of Farreidae is emended to encompass the new genus.