Procedure for Reconstruction of a Predictive Score of Severe Deterioration in Inpatients

Adequate recording of patients' physiological parameters provides vital information for health teams. Up to 80% of general admission patients have physiological parameters outside the normal range within 24 hours prior to transfer to the intensive care unit. Early warning systems analyze these data with the aim of detecting early deterioration in patients, which support medical decision making for reducing morbimortality. There are more than 100 systems for detecting patients at risk. Particularly NEWS has a greater ability to discriminate patients at risk of cardiac arrest, unplanned admission to ICU, and death. Sanatorio Finochietto has a commercial Health Information System. In order to exploit the available information, an algorithm capable of constituting a score value associated with NEWS has been developed from the combination of measurements made at different times. The reconstruction procedure allowed a greater number of full records. We had a 75% coincidence with real-time comparison.