Introducing requirements traceability support in model-driven development of web applications

In this work, we present an approach that introduces requirements traceability capabilities in the context of model-driven development of Web applications. This aspect allows us to define model-to-model transformations that not only provide a software artifact of lower abstraction (as model-to-model transformations usually do) but also to provide feedback about how they are applied. This feedback helps us to validate whether transformations are correctly applied. In particular, we present a model-to-model transformation that allows us to obtain navigational models of the Web engineering method OOWS from a requirements model. This transformation is defined as a set of mappings between these two models that have been implemented by means of graph transformations. The use of graph transformations allows us to develop a tool-supported strategy for applying mappings automatically. In addition, mechanisms for tracing requirements are also included in the definition of graph transformations. These mechanisms allow us to link each conceptual element to the requirements from which it is derived. In particular, we focus on tracing requirements throughout the navigational model, which describe the navigational structure of a Web application. To take advantage of these traceability mechanisms, we have developed a tool that obtains traceability reports after applying transformations. These reports help us to study aspects such as whether requirements are all supported, the impact of changing a requirement, or how requirements are modelled.

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