Odontological prontuary in public health: forensic aspects

The odontological prontuary holds important records collected during the anamnesis – a method of outlining and collecting data concerning oral diseases and the need for treatment. The prontuary includes clinical considerations and administrative and legal aspects. Also, it plays a very important role in identifying skeletons (framework) and carbonized corpses. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the knowledge of each of the buccal health coordinators responsible for the counties involving the DIR-XV region (Sao Paulo, Brazil), concerning the forensic aspects of the clinical odontological prontuary used in these counties. Each of the coordinators received a sealed envelope holding a questionary to be answered. Out of 21 counties, 18 (85.71%) responded to the questionary. The results showed that 55.55% reported that the keeping time of the prontuary should be ad aeternum; 47.06% affirmed that handing in the documentation to the patient was mandatory; 61.11% of the coordinators are aware their responsibility toward documentation. In conclusion: a) the coordinators lack some knowledge concerning the forensic aspects, filling out process, and components of the prontuary and there is no standardization regarding the filling out process, either in the cases of urgency or scheduled appointments; b) the keeping time of the prontuary is misled by most of the coordinators; and c) a significant number of coordinators are aware of the legal responsibility over all clinical procedures. UNITERMS: odontological prontuary; public health; forensic aspects.