INFLUÊNCIA DA PROFUNDIDADE DE SEMEADURA E DA COMP ACTAÇÃO DO SOLO SOBRE A SEMENTE NA PRODUTIVIDADE DO AMENDOIM Influence of sowing depth and the compacting of the ground on the seed in the peanut productivity

The sowing depth and compaction of the ground on seed are specific for each culture and depend on some attributes. Thus, are aimed to evaluate the influence of the compaction of ground on the seed in different sowing depths in a typical eutrustox red latosoil in peanut emergency and productivity. The vertical loads on the imposed for compacting were 0; 98.1; 196.2 and 294.3 N and sowing depths of 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 m. The compaction of the ground in the sowing line did not interfere in the development of the culture. The depths of 0.04 and 0.06 m were more favorable for the growing of the culture of peanut. The interaction productivity versus compacting did not show correlation.