Regular variation of the tail of a subordinated probability distribution

Let F be a probability measure on the real line and G = Σ C(k)Fk ∗ the probability measure subordinate to F with subordinator C restricted to the nonnegative integers. Let V(x) vary regularly of order p for x→ ∞ and either (1) V(x) F[x, ∞)→ α ≧ 0 or (2) V(x) C[x, ∞)→ γ ≧ 0. If ρ > 1 and F(–∞, 0) = 0, necessary and sufficient in order that V(x) G[x, ∞)→b, is that both (1) and (2) hold for suitable α and γ. For 0 ≦ ρ ≦ 1 the conditions are of different type. For two-sided F a different situation arises and only sufficient conditions are found. An application to renewal moments of negative order is given.