Logistics of Production and Inventory

Part 1 Fundamentals: single-product single-location models, H.L. Lee and S. Nahmias. Part 2 Multiple products and locations: analysis of multistage production systems, J.A. Muckstadt and R.O. Roundy centralized planning models for multi-echelon inventory systems under uncertainty, A. Federgruen continuous review policies for multi-level inventory systems with stochastic demand, S. Axsaeter performance evaluation of production networks, R. Suri et al manufacturing lead times, order release and capacity loading, U.S. Karmarkar. Part 3 Production planning and scheduling: an overview of production planning, L.J. Thomas and J.O. McClain mathematical programming models and methods for production and scheduling, J.F. Shapiro sequencing and scheduling - algorithms and complexity, E.L. Lawler et al hierarchical production planning, G.R. Bitran and D. Tirupati. Part 4 Additional topics: requirements planning, K.R. Baker the just-in-time system, H. Groenevelt scientific quality management and management science, P.J. Kolesar developments in manufacturing technology and economic evaluation models, C.H. Fine.