Efficient Selection and Monitoring of QoS-Aware Web Services with the WS-QoS Framework

While the concept of UDDI supports the automatic discovery of services implementing a common public tModel interface, there have been only few attempts to find a standardized form to describe the quality of service (QoS) properties of Web services. We introduce our approach "Web service QoS (WS-QoS)" that enables an efficient, dynamic, and QoS-aware selection and monitoring of Web services. The prototype of our approach is implemented with the .NET technology, including the following components: a WS-QoS Editor for the specification of QoS properties, a WS-QoS Requirement Manager for retrieving QoS requirements specified by client applications, a Web service broker for an efficient and QoS-aware selection of Web service offers, and a WS-QoS Monitor for checking the compliance of the service offers.