Landscape Design: A Practical Approach
1. Introduction to Today's Landscaping. 2. Design Analysis. 3. Areas and Circulation. 4. Studying the Land Forms. 5. Planning the Alteration of Land Forms. 6. The Walls and Ceiling. 7. Principles of Planting Design. 8. Plantings and Architecture. 9. Matching Plant Materials to Design Criteria. 10. Covering the Ground. 11. Embellishments. 12. Special Landscape Problems: Business and Rental Properties. 13. Specifications, Estimations, and Bids. 14. The Role of the Designer/Salesperson. 15. Computers in Landscape Design. 16. Designing Automatic Irrigation Systems. Appendix A: Plant Materials Guidelists. Appendix B: Measurements and Weights. Appendix C: Helpful Organizations. Bibliography and Suggested References. Index.