“Smartness” as complex emergent property of a process. The case of learning eco-systems

In this paper we provide a framework useful to define and measure the perceived “smartness” of learning eco-systems of any kind and, more in general, of cities and territories. The proposed framework, inspired by Maslow's pyramid of needs [18] and by the “flow” concept [6] helps to integrate bottom-up approaches and top-down ones and to develop a more person in place center vision of smart learning ecosystems. A vision that to be concretely actuated requires necessarily a collective commitment in order to carry on a process that, step by step, should lead to the achievement, and possibly maintenance, of an individual and urban/territorial state of flow, unavoidably grounded on the satisfaction of personal needs. To test the proposed framework, as a proof of concept, we have developed a first questionnaire that has been open to students for initial testing. Preliminary result are presented and discussed.