Comparing two independent groups via the lower and upper quantiles

The most common strategy for comparing two independent groups is in terms of some measure of location intended to reflect the typical observation. However, it can be informative and important to compare the lower and upper quantiles as well, but when there are tied values, extant techniques suffer from practical concerns reviewed in the paper. For the special case where the goal is to compare the medians, a slight generalization of the percentile bootstrap method performs well in terms of controlling Type I errors when there are tied values [Wilcox RR. Comparing medians. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 2006;51:1934–1943]. But our results indicate that when the goal is to compare the quartiles, or quantiles close to zero or one, this approach is highly unsatisfactory when the quantiles are estimated using a single order statistic or a weighted average of two order statistics. The main result in this paper is that when using the Harrell–Davis estimator, which uses all of the order statistics to estimate a quantile, control over the Type I error probability can be achieved in simulations, even when there are tied values, provided the sample sizes are not too small. It is demonstrated that this method can also have substantially higher power than the distribution free method derived by Doksum and Sievers [Plotting with confidence: graphical comparisons of two populations. Biometrika 1976;63:421–434]. Data from two studies are used to illustrate the practical advantages of the method studied here.

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