Building Decision Support Systems: The Bases and Stations Information System (BASIS).
Abstract : As information management systems become more common in business and as sophistication of computer technology grows, managers are requesting computer-based tools to assist them in more complex ways with decision making. Computer systems designed to address this need are usually referred to as decision support systems (DSS). DSS developers need to address the following areas: (1) the kinds of computer tools that would best assist managers with decision making, and (2) the optimal method to use in designing a DSS. This report presents a user-oriented model of DSS development and applies this model to the design of a DSS for Navy bases and stations, in conjunction with the Bases and Stations Information System (BASIS). The model provided a useful framework for guiding DSS design, and may be applied to other DSS development efforts. Analysis of the data shows department heads of Navy bases and stations to be a reasonably homogeneous group of target users, who could benefit greatly from a DSS that provides generic tools usable across a wide range of managerial problems for data display, manipulation, and analysis.