From Smart Meters to Smart Products: Reviewing Big Data driven Product Innovation in the European Electricity Retail Market

This paper tries to provide a perspective on energy informatics that goes beyond solely technical research. Combining the viewpoints of energy informatics and information systems in a review of top-ranked literature, we aim to start the discussion how to bridge the gap between a technology-driven focus on big data possibilities (such as smart grid, smart metering, etc.) and a business model-driven perspective (innovation, price-reduction, CRM, etc.). With this paper we further underline the necessity of an interdisciplinary research approach and try to investigate a value chain-oriented implementation of big data initiatives. Especially in the European electricity branch, big data – in terms of smart metering – seems in some cases to be implemented in order to fulfil governmental regulations. CRM as well as corporations’ change management has been neglected. By conducting a structured literature review, the status quo of smart meter related big data (initiatives) in energy informatics and information systems will be discovered, and a research agenda for further research in this area will be provided.