A two-stage DC thyristor circuit breaker

High-current DC thyristor circuit breaker (TCB) devices, based on the parallel capacitor-current commutation-forced turn-off principle, require very large capacitors to effect correct operation as fault-current interrupters in electrical circuits. The commutation capacitors of TCB devices that interrupt current in a single switching operation absorb virtually all the electromagnetic energy stored in circuits, where they operate during the single switching process. These device types interrupt current extremely fast, but because of the scale of the energy transfer to the commutation capacitor, they are especially prone to producing short-duration switching overvoltages of excessive magnitude. A novel TCB device involving two switching operations or stages is presented and analyzed. With this device type, the circuit-stored energy is transferred to the commutation capacitor in two stages, which, in so doing, produces significantly lower switching overvoltages than the conventional "single-stage" TCB device. Results of a range of tests on a low-voltage two-stage TCB device and a high-power-prototype version are given together with the basis for determining their optimum design criteria. Comparative simulation studies are also provided. Finally, the limitations of TCB devices are examined and discussed in conjunction with cost comparisons and their merits and limitations for typical applications.