Local Authentication and Access Control Scheme in M2M Communications With Computation Offloading

Local user access is important to machine-to-machine (M2M) communication because it possesses unique advantages over remote access in that it offers instant services, provides reliable connection, and offloads the traffic of M2M access networks. Local access control is also essential for authorized users to access M2M devices. In this paper, we propose a local authentication and access control scheme (LACS), which allows M2M devices to locally verify the access rights and access privileges of the users. In particular, the property of device heterogeneity is considered in our LACS. The resource-constrained M2M devices can securely outsource heavy computation to user equipment with or without the help of a gateway for energy saving. Our LACS satisfies the security criteria of: 1) user anonymity; 2) mutual authentication; 3) secure key agreement; and 4) securely outsourcing computation. All of these criteria are theoretically proved using a formal model. Experimental data also demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed LACS and the effectiveness of the design with regard to computation offloading.

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