Sex must be a four-letter word.

The author has previously proposed that the Catholic church reconsider its opposition to artificial methods of birth control in light of the growing threat of global overpopulation. He defends himself against the ensuing criticism of Andrews and Donahue. Andrews and this author share positions against the church's stand on birth control and its role in maintaining the status quo in collaboration with geopolitical power elites. It is clear through her critique that Andrews is angry at the church. This author wonders, however, why given Andrews' strident feminist stance she would be angry with him. He is generally perplexed by her response and does not think that it has much to do with his article. Andrews' article is less of a reaction to this author's original article than it is a position paper triggered by his article. Donahue's analyses of the author's points, however, are so flawed that they are laughable. Donahue argues that since there are other causes of overpopulation, one should not call for institutional change in the church. His efforts to obscure and deflect attention from the Catholic church are morally and intellectually irresponsible. This author offers a few thoughts on why it is hard to engage in scholarly, dispassionate discussions in psychology of religion.