Enable back memory and global synchronization on LLC buffer

The last-level cache (LLC) shared by heterogeneous processors such as CPU and general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) brings new opportunities to optimize data sharing among them. Previous work introduces the LLC buffer, which uses part of the LLC storage as a FIFO buffer to enable data sharing between CPU and GPGPU with negligible management overhead. However, the baseline LLC buffer’s capacity is limited and can lead to deadlock when the buffer is full. It also relies on inefficient CPU kernel relaunch and high overhead atomic operations on GPGPU for global synchronization. These limitations motivate us to enable back memory and global synchronization on the baseline LLC buffer and make it more practical. The back memory divides the buffer storage into two levels. While they are managed as a single queue, the data storage in each level is managed as individual circular buffer. The data are redirected to the memory level when the LLC level is full, and are loaded back to the LLC level when it has free space. The case study of n-queen shows that the back memory has a comparative performance with a LLC buffer of infinite LLC level. On the contrary, LLC buffer without back memory exhibits 10% performance degradation incurred by buffer space contention. The global synchronization is enabled by peeking the data about to be read from the buffer. Any request to read the data in LLC buffer after the global barrier is allowed only when all the threads reach the barrier. We adopt breadth-first search (BFS) as a case study and compare the LLC buffer with an optimized implementation of BFS on GPGPU. The results show the LLC buffer has speedup of 1.70 on average. The global synchronization time on GPGPU and CPU is decreased to 38 and 60–5%, respectively.

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