Isolation and Structure of Phytotoxic Compounds Produced by Phyllosticta sp.
In the course of phytopathological studies, it has been observed that phyllosticta sp. produces a toxic compound causing wilting and simultaneous dark coloration of the clover leaf. A toxin, herein refered to as phyllosinol (mp 76~77°C) was isolated in a crystalline state from the pure culture and it was proved to be the principal toxic metabolite of the fungus. Although the melting point of phyllosinol differed significantly from that reported for epoxydon (40~45°C), the structural evidence deduced from spectrometric and chemical methods indicates that phyllosinol is substantially identical with epoxydon even in stereo-isomeric considerations. In the red clover leaf test 10 ppm phyllosinol showed the wilting effect.