Identifying Doppler Velocity Contamination Caused by Migrating Birds. Part I: Feature Extraction and Quantification

Abstract Radar echoes from migrating birds can severely contaminate Doppler velocity measurements. For meteorological applications, especially quantitative applications in radar data assimilation, it is necessary to remove bird-contaminated velocity scans by using an automated identification technique. Such a technique should be also useful for ornithologists in selecting bird echoes automatically from radar scans. This technique can be developed in two steps: (i) extract the main features of migrating-bird echoes from reflectivity and Doppler velocity images and find proper parameters to quantify these features; (ii) utilize these parameters to develop an automated quality control procedure to identify and flag migrating-bird-contaminated Doppler velocity scans (sweeps). The first step is accomplished in this study (Part I) by identifying possible migrating-bird echoes in the level II data collected from the Oklahoma KTLX radar during the 2003 spring migrating season. The identifications are further veri...